Бойко обнови решението на 18.11.2015 00:40 (преди около 9 години)
+require 'digest/sha1'
+class Response
+ attr_reader :message, :result
+ def initialize(message, success, result = nil)
+ @message, @success, @result = message, success, result
+ end
+ def success?
+ @success
+ end
+ def error?
+ not @success
+ end
+class Change
+ attr_reader :action, :name, :object
+ def initialize(action, name, object = nil)
+ @action, @name, @object = action, name, object
+ end
+class Commit
+ attr_reader :date, :message, :hash
+ TIME_FORMAT = "%a %b %d %H:%M %Y %z"
+ def initialize(parent_commit, changes, message)
+ @parent_commit, @changes, @message = parent_commit, changes, message
+ @date = Time.now
+ formatted_time = @date.getgm.strftime(Commit::TIME_FORMAT)
+ @hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest "#{formatted_time}#{message}"
+ end
+ def size
+ @changes.size
+ end
+ def to_s
+ formatted_time = @date.strftime(Commit::TIME_FORMAT)
+ "Commit #@hash\nDate: #{formatted_time}\n\n\t#@message"
+ end
+ def objects(excluding = Array.new)
+ total = Array.new
+ if @parent_commit != nil
+ total_exclude = excluding | @changes.map { |key, value| key }
+ total = @parent_commit.objects(total_exclude)
+ end
+ total.concat(@changes.select { |key, value|
+ value.action == :add unless excluding.include?(value.name)
+ }.map { |key, value| value.object })
+ end
+ def get(name)
+ if @changes.has_key? name
+ change = @changes[name]
+ change.object unless change.action == :remove
+ else
+ @parent_commit.get(name) unless @parent_commit == nil
+ end
+ end
+ def log
+ if @parent_commit != nil
+ to_s + "\n\n" + @parent_commit.log
+ else
+ to_s
+ end
+ end
+class BranchDecorator
+ attr_reader :heads
+ def initialize(repository)
+ @repository = repository
+ @heads = Hash.new
+ @heads["master"] = nil
+ end
+ def create(branch_name)
+ if @heads.has_key? branch_name
+ Response.new "Branch #{branch_name} already exists.", false
+ else
+ @heads[branch_name] = @repository.head
+ Response.new "Created branch #{branch_name}.", true
+ end
+ end
+ def checkout(branch_name)
+ if @heads.has_key? branch_name
+ @repository.current_branch = branch_name
+ Response.new "Switched to branch #{branch_name}.", true
+ else
+ Response.new "Branch #{branch_name} does not exist.", false
+ end
+ end
+ def remove(branch_name)
+ if @heads.has_key? branch_name
+ if branch_name != @repository.current_branch
+ @heads.delete branch_name
+ Response.new "Removed branch #{branch_name}.", true
+ else
+ Response.new "Cannot remove current branch.", false
+ end
+ else
+ Response.new "Branch #{branch_name} does not exist.", false
+ end
+ end
+ def list
+ @heads.map { |key, value|
+ if @repository.current_branch == key
+ "* " + key
+ else
+ " " + key
+ end
+ }.join("\n")
+ end
+class ObjectStore
+ private_class_method :new
+ attr_reader :branch
+ attr_accessor :current_branch
+ def self.init(&block)
+ new(&block)
+ end
+ def initialize(&block)
+ @branch = BranchDecorator.new self
+ @pending_changes = Hash.new
+ @history = Hash.new
+ @current_branch = "master"
+ self.instance_eval &block if block_given?
+ end
+ def add(name, object)
+ @pending_changes[name] = Change.new(:add, name, object)
+ Response.new "Added #{name} to stage.", true, object
+ end
+ def remove(name)
+ if get(name).success?
+ @pending_changes[name] = Change.new(:remove, name)
+ Response.new "Added #{name} for removal.", true, get(name)
+ else
+ Response.new "Object #{name} is not committed.", false
+ end
+ end
+ def commit(message)
+ count = @pending_changes.size
+ set_head Commit.new(head.result, @pending_changes, message)
+ @history[head.result.hash] = head.result
+ @pending_changes = Hash.new
+ if count > 0
+ Response.new "#{message}\n\t#{count} objects changed", true, head.result
+ else
+ Response.new "Nothing to commit, working directory clean.", false
+ end
+ end
+ def head
+ result = @branch.heads[@current_branch]
+ if result != nil
+ Response.new result.message, true, result
+ else
+ Response.new "Branch #@current_branch does not have any commits yet.",
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ def set_head(value)
+ @branch.heads[@current_branch] = value
+ end
+ def checkout(commit_hash)
+ if @history.has_key? commit_hash
+ set_head @history[commit_hash]
+ Response.new "HEAD is now at #{commit_hash}.", true, head.result
+ else
+ Response.new "Commit #{commit_hash} does not exist.", false
+ end
+ end
+ def log
+ if head.success?
+ Response.new head.result.log, true
+ else
+ Response.new "Nothing to commit, working directory clean.", false
+ end
+ end
+ def get(name)
+ result = head.result.get(name) unless head.error?
+ if result != nil
+ Response.new "Found object #{name}.", true, result
+ else
+ Response.new "Object #{name} is not committed.", false
+ end
+ end