Анджелин обнови решението на 23.11.2015 00:59 (преди около 9 години)
+require 'digest\sha1'
+class ObjectStore
+ COMMIT_ERROR = 'Nothing to commit, working directory clean.'
+ COMMIT_SUCCESS = "%s\n\t%d objects changed"
+ ADD_SUCCESS = "Added %s to stage."
+ HASH_MISSING = "Commit %s does not exist."
+ PENDING_REMOVAL = "Added %s for removal."
+ HEAD_AT = "HEAD is now at %s."
+ NO_COMMITS = "Branch %s does not have any commits yet."
+ COMMIT_LOG_PATTERN = "Commit %s\nDate: %s\n\n\t%s\n\n"
+ NOT_COMMITED = "Object %s is not committed."
+ FOUND = "Found object %s."
+ attr_accessor :branches
+ attr_accessor :current_branch
+ def self.init(&block)
+ return new() unless block
+ me = new()
+ me.instance_eval &block
+ me
+ end
+ def initialize()
+ @current_branch = Branch.new('master')
+ @branches = [@current_branch]
+ end
+ def branch()
+ @branch_operator = BranchManager.new(self) if not @branch_operator
+ @branch_operator
+ end
+ def add(name, object)
+ @current_branch.pending[name] = Change.new(:add, object)
+ TrueResult.new(ADD_SUCCESS % name, object)
+ end
+ def commit(message)
+ return FalseResult.new(COMMIT_ERROR) if @current_branch.pending.empty?
+ object_count = @current_branch.pending.size
+ data = @current_branch.empty? ? {} : @current_branch.last_commit.data.dup
+ @current_branch.pending.each do |name, change|
+ data[name] = change.value if change.type == :add
+ data.delete(name) if change.type == :delete
+ end
+ commit = Commit.new(message, data)
+ @current_branch.commits << commit
+ @current_branch.pending.clear
+ TrueResult.new(COMMIT_SUCCESS % [message, object_count], commit)
+ end
+ def get(name)
+ return FalseResult.new(NOT_COMMITED % name) if @current_branch.empty?
+ object = @current_branch.last_commit.data[name]
+ return FalseResult.new(NOT_COMMITED % name) if not object
+ TrueResult.new(FOUND % name, object)
+ end
+ def remove(name)
+ return FalseResult.new(NOT_COMMITED % name) if @current_branch.empty?
+ if (@current_branch.last_commit.data[name])
+ @current_branch.pending[name] = Change.new(:delete)
+ TrueResult.new(PENDING_REMOVAL % name)
+ else
+ FalseResult.new(NOT_COMMITED % name)
+ end
+ end
+ def checkout(hash)
+ hash_not_there = @current_branch.commits.all? { |c| c.hash != hash}
+ return FalseResult.new(HASH_MISSING % hash) if hash_not_there
+ target = @current_branch.commits.select { |c| c.hash == hash }.first
+ index = @current_branch.commits.index(target)
+ @current_branch.commits = @current_branch.commits[0..index]
+ TrueResult.new(HEAD_AT % hash, @current_branch.last_commit)
+ end
+ def log()
+ commits_none = @current_branch.empty?
+ return FalseResult.new(NO_COMMITS % @current_branch.name) if commits_none
+ commits_string = ""
+ @current_branch.commits.reverse_each do |c|
+ params = [c.hash, c.date.strftime('%a %b %-d %H:%M %Y %z'), c.message]
+ commits_string += COMMIT_LOG_PATTERN % params
+ end
+ commits_string.strip!
+ TrueResult.new(commits_string)
+ end
+ def head()
+ commits_none = @current_branch.commits.empty?
+ return FalseResult.new(NO_COMMITS % @current_branch.name) if commits_none
+ last = @current_branch.last_commit
+ TrueResult.new("#{last.message}", last)
+ end
+class OperationResult
+ attr_reader :message
+ attr_reader :result
+ def initialize(message, success, result = nil)
+ @message = message
+ @success = success
+ @result = result
+ end
+ def success?()
+ @success
+ end
+ def error?()
+ not success?
+ end
+class FalseResult < OperationResult
+ def initialize(message, result = nil)
+ super(message, false, result)
+ end
+class TrueResult < OperationResult
+ def initialize(message, result = nil)
+ super(message, true, result)
+ end
+class Change
+ attr_reader :type
+ attr_reader :value
+ def initialize(type, value = nil)
+ @type = type
+ @value = value
+ end
+class Commit
+ attr_reader :message
+ attr_reader :data
+ attr_reader :hash
+ attr_reader :date
+ def initialize(message, data)
+ @message = message
+ @data = data.dup
+ @date = Time.now
+ hash_pattern = "#{@date.strftime('%a %b %-d %H:%M %Y %z')}#{message}"
+ @hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest hash_pattern
+ end
+ def objects()
+ @data.values
+ end
+class Branch
+ attr_accessor :pending
+ attr_accessor :commits
+ attr_reader :name
+ def initialize(branch_name, commits = [])
+ @pending = {}
+ @objects = {}
+ @commits = commits
+ @name = branch_name
+ end
+ def last_commit()
+ @commits.last
+ end
+ def empty?()
+ @commits.empty?
+ end
+class BranchManager
+ EXISTS = "Branch %s already exists."
+ CREATED = "Created branch %s."
+ DOES_NOT_EXIST = "Branch %s does not exist."
+ SWITCHED_TO = "Switched to branch %s."
+ REMOVED = "Removed branch %s."
+ CANT_REMOVE = 'Cannot remove current branch.'
+ def initialize(repo)
+ @repo = repo
+ end
+ def create(name)
+ repo_exists = @repo.branches.any? { |b| b.name == name }
+ return FalseResult.new(EXISTS % name) if repo_exists
+ @repo.branches << Branch.new(name, @repo.current_branch.commits)
+ TrueResult.new(CREATED % name)
+ end
+ def checkout(name)
+ not_exists = @repo.branches.all? { |b| b.name != name }
+ return FalseResult.new(DOES_NOT_EXIST % name) if not_exists
+ @repo.current_branch = @repo.branches.select { |b| b.name == name }.first
+ TrueResult.new(SWITCHED_TO % name)
+ end
+ def remove(name)
+ not_exists = @repo.branches.all? { |b| b.name != name }
+ return FalseResult.new(DOES_NOT_EXIST % name) if not_exists
+ return FalseResult.new(CANT_REMOVE) if @repo.current_branch.name == name
+ @repo.branches.delete_if { |b| b.name == name }
+ TrueResult.new(REMOVED % name)
+ end
+ def list()
+ branches_list = ""
+ @repo.branches.sort! { |a, b| a.name <=> b.name }
+ @repo.branches.each do |b|
+ prefix = (b.name == @repo.current_branch.name ? '* ' : ' ' )
+ branches_list += prefix + b.name + "\n"
+ end
+ branches_list.chomp!
+ TrueResult.new(branches_list)
+ end