Решение на Седма задача от Пламена Петрова

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Пламена Петрова


  • 5 точки от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 5 точки общо
  • 24 успешни тест(а)
  • 7 неуспешни тест(а)


module LazyMode
def self.create_file(file_name, &block)
File.new(file_name, &block)
class Agenda
attr_accessor :notes
def initialize
@notes = []
def add_notes(notes_to_add)
@notes += notes_to_add
def notes
def filter_status(work_notes, option)
work_notes.select! {|note| note.status == option}
def filter_tag(work_notes, option)
work_notes.select! {|note| note.tags.include?(option)}
def filter_text(work_notes, option)
work_notes.select! {|note|
! (option.match note.header).nil? ||
! (option.match note.body).nil?}
def where(**options)
agenda, work_notes = Agenda.new, @notes.flatten.dup
filter_status(work_notes, options[:status]) if ! options[:status].nil?
filter_tag(work_notes, options[:tag]) if ! options[:tag].nil?
filter_text(work_notes, options[:text]) if ! options[:text].nil?
class File
attr_accessor :name, :notes
def initialize(name, &block)
@name = name
@notes = []
instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
@notes << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
def weekly_agenda(date)
agenda = Agenda.new
notes_for_agenda = weekly_agenda_helper(date)
def daily_agenda(date)
agenda = Agenda.new
notes_for_agenda = daily_agenda_helper(date)
def daily_agenda_helper(date)
agenda = []
tasks_with_that_date = @notes.select {|task| task.date == date}
sub_with_that_date = @notes.map {|note| note.daily_agenda(date)}
agenda << tasks_with_that_date
agenda << sub_with_that_date
def weekly_agenda_helper(date)
agenda, dates = [], []
(0..6).to_a.each {|x| dates << Date.create_date(date, x)}
dates.map! {|date| daily_agenda_helper(date)}
agenda << dates
class Date
attr_reader :year, :month, :day, :times, :year_part
def initialize(date_string)
date_parts = /\A(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)\z/.match(date_string)
@year, @month, @day = date_parts[1], date_parts[2], date_parts[3]
initialize_helper(4 - @year.length, @year) if @year.length < 4
initialize_helper(2 - @month.length, @month) if @month.length < 2
initialize_helper(2 - @day.length, @day) if @day.length < 2
def year
def month
def day
def to_s
def initialize_helper(number, destination)
number.times {destination.insert(0, "0")}
class << self
def create_date(old, plus)
days, months = (1..30).to_a, (1..12).to_a
day = days[(old.day + plus - 1) % 30]
month = months[(old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) % 12]
year = old.year + (old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) / 12
def ==(other)
day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year
class Note
attr_accessor :file_name, :header, :tags, :scheduled, :status
attr_accessor :body, :sub, :times, :part_of_the_year
def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
@file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
@status = :topostpone
@body = ""
@sub = []
instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
def date
def scheduled(date)
date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
@scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
@times = date_string[3]
@part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
def status(*status)
status.size == 1 ? @status = status[0] : @status
def body(*body)
body.size == 1 ? @body = body[0] : @body
def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
def daily_agenda(date)
@sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}

Лог от изпълнението



  1) LazyMode#daily_agenda returns note scheduled with daily repeater
     Failure/Error: expect(agenda.notes.size).to eq(1)
       expected: 1
            got: 0
       (compared using ==)
     # /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:153:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  2) LazyMode#daily_agenda returns note scheduled with weekly repeater
     Failure/Error: expect(agenda.notes.size).to eq(1)
       expected: 1
            got: 0
       (compared using ==)
     # /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:175:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  3) LazyMode#daily_agenda returns note scheduled with monthly repeater
     Failure/Error: expect(agenda.notes.size).to eq(1)
       expected: 1
            got: 0
       (compared using ==)
     # /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:198:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  4) LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns multiple notes with different dates when scheduled with daily repeater
     Failure/Error: expect(agenda.notes.size).to eq(2)
       expected: 2
            got: 1
       (compared using ==)
     # /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:271:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  5) LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns note scheduled with weekly repeater
     Failure/Error: expect(agenda.notes.size).to eq(2)
       expected: 2
            got: 1
       (compared using ==)
     # /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:295:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  6) LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns note scheduled with monthly repeater
     Failure/Error: expect(agenda.notes.size).to eq(1)
       expected: 1
            got: 0
       (compared using ==)
     # /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:327:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  7) LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns nested notes
     Failure/Error: expect(agenda.notes.size).to eq(1)
       expected: 1
            got: 0
       (compared using ==)
     # /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:361:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
     # ./lib/language/ruby/run_with_timeout.rb:5:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 0.0222 seconds
31 examples, 7 failures

Failed examples:

rspec /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:141 # LazyMode#daily_agenda returns note scheduled with daily repeater
rspec /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:163 # LazyMode#daily_agenda returns note scheduled with weekly repeater
rspec /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:186 # LazyMode#daily_agenda returns note scheduled with monthly repeater
rspec /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:259 # LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns multiple notes with different dates when scheduled with daily repeater
rspec /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:283 # LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns note scheduled with weekly repeater
rspec /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:315 # LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns note scheduled with monthly repeater
rspec /tmp/d20160107-5693-zuhmmy/spec.rb:348 # LazyMode#weekly_agenda returns nested notes

История (4 версии и 0 коментара)

Пламена обнови решението на 21.12.2015 11:14 (преди около 9 години)

+module LazyMode
+ def self.create_file(file_name, &block)
+ File.new(file_name, &block)
+ end
+ class Agenda
+ attr_accessor :notes
+ def initialize
+ @notes = []
+ end
+ def add_notes(notes_to_add)
+ @notes += notes_to_add
+ end
+ def notes
+ @notes.flatten
+ end
+ def where(**options)
+ work_notes = @notes.flatten.dup
+ filter_status(work_notes) if ! options[:status].nil?
+ filter_tag(work_notes) if ! options[:tag].nil?
+ filter_text(work_notes) if ! options[:text].nil?
+ work_notes
+ end
+ def filter_status(work_notes)
+ work_notes.select! {|note| note.status == options[:status]}
+ end
+ def filter_tag(work_notes)
+ work_notes.select! {|note| note.tags.include?(options[:tag])}
+ end
+ def filter_text
+ work_notes.select! {|note|
+ ! (options[:text].match note.header).nil? ||
+ ! (options[:text].match note.body).nil?}
+ end
+ end
+ class File
+ attr_accessor :name, :notes
+ def initialize(name, &block)
+ @name = name
+ @notes = []
+ instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+ end
+ def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
+ @notes << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ agenda = Agenda.new
+ tasks_with_that_date = @notes.select {|task| task.date == date}
+ sub_with_that_date = @notes.map {|note| note.daily_agenda(date)}
+ agenda.add_notes(tasks_with_that_date)
+ agenda.add_notes(sub_with_that_date)
+ agenda
+ end
+ end
+ class Date
+ attr_reader :year, :month, :day, :times, :year_part
+ def initialize(date_string)
+ date_parts = /\A(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)\z/.match(date_string)
+ @year, @month, @day = date_parts[1], date_parts[2], date_parts[3]
+ initialize_helper(4 - @year.length, @year) if @year.length < 4
+ initialize_helper(2 - @month.length, @month) if @month.length < 2
+ initialize_helper(2 - @day.length, @day) if @day.length < 2
+ end
+ def year
+ @year.to_i
+ end
+ def month
+ @month.to_i
+ end
+ def day
+ @day.to_i
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{@year}-#{@month}-#{@day}"
+ end
+ def initialize_helper(number, destination)
+ number.times {destination.insert(0, "0")}
+ end
+ class << self
+ def create_date(old, plus)
+ days, months = (1..30).to_a, (1..12).to_a
+ day = days[(old.day + plus - 1) % 30]
+ month = months[(old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) % 12]
+ year = old.year + (old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) / 12
+ Date.new("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}")
+ end
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year
+ end
+ end
+ class Note
+ attr_accessor :file_name, :header, :tags, :scheduled, :status
+ attr_accessor :body, :sub, :times, :part_of_the_year
+ def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
+ @file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
+ @status = :topostpone
+ @body = ""
+ @sub = []
+ instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+ end
+ def date
+ @scheduled
+ end
+ def scheduled(date)
+ date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
+ @scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
+ if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
+ @times = date_string[3]
+ @part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
+ end
+ end
+ def status(*status)
+ if status.size == 1
+ @status = status[0]
+ else
+ @status
+ end
+ end
+ def body(*body)
+ if body.size == 1
+ @body = body[0]
+ else
+ @body
+ end
+ end
+ def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
+ sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ @sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
+ s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}
+ end
+ end

Пламена обнови решението на 21.12.2015 14:49 (преди около 9 години)

module LazyMode
def self.create_file(file_name, &block)
File.new(file_name, &block)
class Agenda
attr_accessor :notes
- def initialize
- @notes = []
- end
+ def initialize
+ @notes = []
+ end
- def add_notes(notes_to_add)
- @notes += notes_to_add
- end
+ def add_notes(notes_to_add)
+ @notes += notes_to_add
+ end
- def notes
- @notes.flatten
- end
+ def notes
+ @notes.flatten
+ end
- def where(**options)
- work_notes = @notes.flatten.dup
- filter_status(work_notes) if ! options[:status].nil?
- filter_tag(work_notes) if ! options[:tag].nil?
- filter_text(work_notes) if ! options[:text].nil?
- work_notes
- end
+ def filter_status(work_notes, option)
+ work_notes.select! {|note| note.status == option}
+ end
- def filter_status(work_notes)
- work_notes.select! {|note| note.status == options[:status]}
- end
+ def filter_tag(work_notes, option)
+ work_notes.select! {|note| note.tags.include?(option)}
+ end
- def filter_tag(work_notes)
- work_notes.select! {|note| note.tags.include?(options[:tag])}
- end
+ def filter_text(work_notes, option)
+ work_notes.select! {|note|
+ ! (option.match note.header).nil? ||
+ ! (option.match note.body).nil?}
+ end
- def filter_text
- work_notes.select! {|note|
- ! (options[:text].match note.header).nil? ||
- ! (options[:text].match note.body).nil?}
- end
+ def where(**options)
+ agenda, work_notes = Agenda.new, @notes.flatten.dup
+ filter_status(work_notes, options[:status]) if ! options[:status].nil?
+ filter_tag(work_notes, options[:tag]) if ! options[:tag].nil?
+ filter_text(work_notes, options[:text]) if ! options[:text].nil?
+ agenda.add_notes(work_notes)
+ agenda
+ end
class File
attr_accessor :name, :notes
- def initialize(name, &block)
- @name = name
- @notes = []
- instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- end
+ def initialize(name, &block)
+ @name = name
+ @notes = []
+ instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+ end
- def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
- @notes << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
- end
+ def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
+ @notes << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ end
- def daily_agenda(date)
- agenda = Agenda.new
- tasks_with_that_date = @notes.select {|task| task.date == date}
+ def weekly_agenda(date)
+ agenda = Agenda.new
+ notes_for_agenda = weekly_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda.add_notes(notes_for_agenda)
+ agenda
+ end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ agenda = Agenda.new
+ notes_for_agenda = daily_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda.add_notes(notes_for_agenda)
+ agenda
+ end
+ def daily_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda = []
+ tasks_with_that_date = @notes.select {|task| task.date == date}
sub_with_that_date = @notes.map {|note| note.daily_agenda(date)}
- agenda.add_notes(tasks_with_that_date)
- agenda.add_notes(sub_with_that_date)
- agenda
- end
+ agenda << tasks_with_that_date
+ agenda << sub_with_that_date
+ agenda.flatten
+ end
+ def weekly_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda, dates = [], []
+ (0..6).to_a.each {|x| dates << Date.create_date(date, x)}
+ dates.map! {|date| daily_agenda_helper(date)}
+ agenda << dates
+ agenda.flatten
+ end
class Date
attr_reader :year, :month, :day, :times, :year_part
def initialize(date_string)
- date_parts = /\A(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)\z/.match(date_string)
- @year, @month, @day = date_parts[1], date_parts[2], date_parts[3]
- initialize_helper(4 - @year.length, @year) if @year.length < 4
- initialize_helper(2 - @month.length, @month) if @month.length < 2
- initialize_helper(2 - @day.length, @day) if @day.length < 2
- end
+ date_parts = /\A(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)\z/.match(date_string)
+ @year, @month, @day = date_parts[1], date_parts[2], date_parts[3]
+ initialize_helper(4 - @year.length, @year) if @year.length < 4
+ initialize_helper(2 - @month.length, @month) if @month.length < 2
+ initialize_helper(2 - @day.length, @day) if @day.length < 2
+ end
- def year
- @year.to_i
- end
+ def year
+ @year.to_i
+ end
- def month
- @month.to_i
- end
+ def month
+ @month.to_i
+ end
- def day
- @day.to_i
- end
+ def day
+ @day.to_i
+ end
- def to_s
- "#{@year}-#{@month}-#{@day}"
- end
+ def to_s
+ "#{@year}-#{@month}-#{@day}"
+ end
- def initialize_helper(number, destination)
+ def initialize_helper(number, destination)
number.times {destination.insert(0, "0")}
- end
+ end
- class << self
- def create_date(old, plus)
- days, months = (1..30).to_a, (1..12).to_a
- day = days[(old.day + plus - 1) % 30]
- month = months[(old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) % 12]
- year = old.year + (old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) / 12
- Date.new("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}")
- end
- end
+ class << self
+ def create_date(old, plus)
+ days, months = (1..30).to_a, (1..12).to_a
+ day = days[(old.day + plus - 1) % 30]
+ month = months[(old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) % 12]
+ year = old.year + (old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) / 12
+ Date.new("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}")
+ end
+ end
- def ==(other)
- day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year
- end
+ def ==(other)
+ day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year
+ end
class Note
attr_accessor :file_name, :header, :tags, :scheduled, :status
- attr_accessor :body, :sub, :times, :part_of_the_year
- def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
- @file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
- @status = :topostpone
- @body = ""
- @sub = []
- instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- end
+ attr_accessor :body, :sub, :times, :part_of_the_year
+ def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
+ @file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
+ @status = :topostpone
+ @body = ""
+ @sub = []
+ instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+ end
- def date
- @scheduled
- end
+ def date
+ @scheduled
+ end
- def scheduled(date)
- date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
- @scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
- if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
- @times = date_string[3]
- @part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
- end
- end
+ def scheduled(date)
+ date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
+ @scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
+ if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
+ @times = date_string[3]
+ @part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
+ end
+ end
- def status(*status)
- if status.size == 1
- @status = status[0]
- else
- @status
- end
- end
+ def status(*status)
+ if status.size == 1
+ @status = status[0]
+ else
+ @status
+ end
+ end
- def body(*body)
- if body.size == 1
- @body = body[0]
- else
- @body
- end
- end
+ def body(*body)
+ if body.size == 1
+ @body = body[0]
+ else
+ @body
+ end
+ end
- def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
- sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
- end
+ def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
+ sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ end
- def daily_agenda(date)
- @sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
- s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}
- end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ @sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
+ s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}
+ end

Пламена обнови решението на 21.12.2015 15:03 (преди около 9 години)

module LazyMode
def self.create_file(file_name, &block)
File.new(file_name, &block)
class Agenda
attr_accessor :notes
- def initialize
- @notes = []
- end
+ def initialize
+ @notes = []
+ end
- def add_notes(notes_to_add)
- @notes += notes_to_add
- end
+ def add_notes(notes_to_add)
+ @notes += notes_to_add
+ end
- def notes
- @notes.flatten
- end
+ def notes
+ @notes.flatten
+ end
- def filter_status(work_notes, option)
- work_notes.select! {|note| note.status == option}
- end
+ def filter_status(work_notes, option)
+ work_notes.select! {|note| note.status == option}
+ end
- def filter_tag(work_notes, option)
- work_notes.select! {|note| note.tags.include?(option)}
- end
+ def filter_tag(work_notes, option)
+ work_notes.select! {|note| note.tags.include?(option)}
+ end
- def filter_text(work_notes, option)
- work_notes.select! {|note|
- ! (option.match note.header).nil? ||
- ! (option.match note.body).nil?}
- end
+ def filter_text(work_notes, option)
+ work_notes.select! {|note|
+ ! (option.match note.header).nil? ||
+ ! (option.match note.body).nil?}
+ end
- def where(**options)
- agenda, work_notes = Agenda.new, @notes.flatten.dup
- filter_status(work_notes, options[:status]) if ! options[:status].nil?
- filter_tag(work_notes, options[:tag]) if ! options[:tag].nil?
- filter_text(work_notes, options[:text]) if ! options[:text].nil?
- agenda.add_notes(work_notes)
- agenda
- end
+ def where(**options)
+ agenda, work_notes = Agenda.new, @notes.flatten.dup
+ filter_status(work_notes, options[:status]) if ! options[:status].nil?
+ filter_tag(work_notes, options[:tag]) if ! options[:tag].nil?
+ filter_text(work_notes, options[:text]) if ! options[:text].nil?
+ agenda.add_notes(work_notes)
+ agenda
+ end
class File
attr_accessor :name, :notes
- def initialize(name, &block)
- @name = name
- @notes = []
- instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- end
- def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
- @notes << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
- end
+ def initialize(name, &block)
+ @name = name
+ @notes = []
+ instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+ end
- def weekly_agenda(date)
- agenda = Agenda.new
- notes_for_agenda = weekly_agenda_helper(date)
- agenda.add_notes(notes_for_agenda)
- agenda
- end
+ def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
+ @notes << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ end
- def daily_agenda(date)
- agenda = Agenda.new
- notes_for_agenda = daily_agenda_helper(date)
- agenda.add_notes(notes_for_agenda)
- agenda
- end
+ def weekly_agenda(date)
+ agenda = Agenda.new
+ notes_for_agenda = weekly_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda.add_notes(notes_for_agenda)
+ agenda
+ end
- def daily_agenda_helper(date)
- agenda = []
- tasks_with_that_date = @notes.select {|task| task.date == date}
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ agenda = Agenda.new
+ notes_for_agenda = daily_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda.add_notes(notes_for_agenda)
+ agenda
+ end
+ def daily_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda = []
+ tasks_with_that_date = @notes.select {|task| task.date == date}
sub_with_that_date = @notes.map {|note| note.daily_agenda(date)}
- agenda << tasks_with_that_date
- agenda << sub_with_that_date
- agenda.flatten
- end
+ agenda << tasks_with_that_date
+ agenda << sub_with_that_date
+ agenda.flatten
+ end
- def weekly_agenda_helper(date)
- agenda, dates = [], []
- (0..6).to_a.each {|x| dates << Date.create_date(date, x)}
- dates.map! {|date| daily_agenda_helper(date)}
- agenda << dates
- agenda.flatten
- end
+ def weekly_agenda_helper(date)
+ agenda, dates = [], []
+ (0..6).to_a.each {|x| dates << Date.create_date(date, x)}
+ dates.map! {|date| daily_agenda_helper(date)}
+ agenda << dates
+ agenda.flatten
+ end
class Date
attr_reader :year, :month, :day, :times, :year_part
def initialize(date_string)
- date_parts = /\A(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)\z/.match(date_string)
- @year, @month, @day = date_parts[1], date_parts[2], date_parts[3]
- initialize_helper(4 - @year.length, @year) if @year.length < 4
- initialize_helper(2 - @month.length, @month) if @month.length < 2
- initialize_helper(2 - @day.length, @day) if @day.length < 2
- end
+ date_parts = /\A(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)\z/.match(date_string)
+ @year, @month, @day = date_parts[1], date_parts[2], date_parts[3]
+ initialize_helper(4 - @year.length, @year) if @year.length < 4
+ initialize_helper(2 - @month.length, @month) if @month.length < 2
+ initialize_helper(2 - @day.length, @day) if @day.length < 2
+ end
- def year
- @year.to_i
- end
+ def year
+ @year.to_i
+ end
- def month
- @month.to_i
- end
+ def month
+ @month.to_i
+ end
- def day
- @day.to_i
- end
+ def day
+ @day.to_i
+ end
- def to_s
- "#{@year}-#{@month}-#{@day}"
- end
+ def to_s
+ "#{@year}-#{@month}-#{@day}"
+ end
- def initialize_helper(number, destination)
- number.times {destination.insert(0, "0")}
- end
+ def initialize_helper(number, destination)
+ number.times {destination.insert(0, "0")}
+ end
- class << self
- def create_date(old, plus)
- days, months = (1..30).to_a, (1..12).to_a
- day = days[(old.day + plus - 1) % 30]
- month = months[(old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) % 12]
- year = old.year + (old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) / 12
- Date.new("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}")
- end
- end
+ class << self
+ def create_date(old, plus)
+ days, months = (1..30).to_a, (1..12).to_a
+ day = days[(old.day + plus - 1) % 30]
+ month = months[(old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) % 12]
+ year = old.year + (old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) / 12
+ Date.new("#{year}-#{month}-#{day}")
+ end
+ end
- def ==(other)
- day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year
- end
+ def ==(other)
+ day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year
+ end
class Note
attr_accessor :file_name, :header, :tags, :scheduled, :status
- attr_accessor :body, :sub, :times, :part_of_the_year
- def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
- @file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
- @status = :topostpone
- @body = ""
- @sub = []
- instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- end
+ attr_accessor :body, :sub, :times, :part_of_the_year
- def date
- @scheduled
- end
+ def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
+ @file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
+ @status = :topostpone
+ @body = ""
+ @sub = []
+ instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+ end
- def scheduled(date)
- date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
- @scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
- if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
- @times = date_string[3]
- @part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
- end
- end
+ def date
+ @scheduled
+ end
- def status(*status)
- if status.size == 1
- @status = status[0]
- else
- @status
- end
+ def scheduled(date)
+ date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
+ @scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
+ if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
+ @times = date_string[3]
+ @part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
+ end
- def body(*body)
- if body.size == 1
- @body = body[0]
- else
- @body
- end
+ def status(*status)
+ if status.size == 1
+ @status = status[0]
+ else
+ @status
+ end
- def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
- sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ def body(*body)
+ if body.size == 1
+ @body = body[0]
+ else
+ @body
+ end
- def daily_agenda(date)
- @sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
- s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}
- end
+ def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
+ sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ @sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
+ s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}
+ end

Пламена обнови решението на 21.12.2015 15:12 (преди около 9 години)

module LazyMode
def self.create_file(file_name, &block)
File.new(file_name, &block)
class Agenda
attr_accessor :notes
def initialize
@notes = []
def add_notes(notes_to_add)
@notes += notes_to_add
def notes
def filter_status(work_notes, option)
work_notes.select! {|note| note.status == option}
def filter_tag(work_notes, option)
work_notes.select! {|note| note.tags.include?(option)}
def filter_text(work_notes, option)
work_notes.select! {|note|
! (option.match note.header).nil? ||
! (option.match note.body).nil?}
def where(**options)
agenda, work_notes = Agenda.new, @notes.flatten.dup
filter_status(work_notes, options[:status]) if ! options[:status].nil?
filter_tag(work_notes, options[:tag]) if ! options[:tag].nil?
filter_text(work_notes, options[:text]) if ! options[:text].nil?
class File
attr_accessor :name, :notes
def initialize(name, &block)
@name = name
@notes = []
instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
@notes << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
def weekly_agenda(date)
agenda = Agenda.new
notes_for_agenda = weekly_agenda_helper(date)
def daily_agenda(date)
agenda = Agenda.new
notes_for_agenda = daily_agenda_helper(date)
def daily_agenda_helper(date)
agenda = []
tasks_with_that_date = @notes.select {|task| task.date == date}
sub_with_that_date = @notes.map {|note| note.daily_agenda(date)}
agenda << tasks_with_that_date
agenda << sub_with_that_date
def weekly_agenda_helper(date)
agenda, dates = [], []
(0..6).to_a.each {|x| dates << Date.create_date(date, x)}
dates.map! {|date| daily_agenda_helper(date)}
agenda << dates
class Date
attr_reader :year, :month, :day, :times, :year_part
def initialize(date_string)
date_parts = /\A(\w+)-(\w+)-(\w+)\z/.match(date_string)
@year, @month, @day = date_parts[1], date_parts[2], date_parts[3]
initialize_helper(4 - @year.length, @year) if @year.length < 4
initialize_helper(2 - @month.length, @month) if @month.length < 2
initialize_helper(2 - @day.length, @day) if @day.length < 2
def year
def month
def day
def to_s
def initialize_helper(number, destination)
number.times {destination.insert(0, "0")}
class << self
def create_date(old, plus)
days, months = (1..30).to_a, (1..12).to_a
day = days[(old.day + plus - 1) % 30]
month = months[(old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) % 12]
year = old.year + (old.month + ((old.day + plus - 1) / 30) - 1) / 12
def ==(other)
day == other.day && month == other.month && year == other.year
class Note
attr_accessor :file_name, :header, :tags, :scheduled, :status
attr_accessor :body, :sub, :times, :part_of_the_year
- def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
- @file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
- @status = :topostpone
- @body = ""
- @sub = []
- instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
- end
+ def initialize(file_name, header, *tags, &block)
+ @file_name, @header, @tags = file_name, header, tags
+ @status = :topostpone
+ @body = ""
+ @sub = []
+ instance_eval(&block) if block_given?
+ end
- def date
- @scheduled
- end
+ def date
+ @scheduled
+ end
- def scheduled(date)
- date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
- @scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
- if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
- @times = date_string[3]
- @part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
- end
+ def scheduled(date)
+ date_string = /(\w+-\w+-\w+)( \D(\d+)(\w))?/.match date
+ @scheduled = Date.new(date_string[1])
+ if ! date_string[3].nil? and ! date_string[4].nil?
+ @times = date_string[3]
+ @part_of_the_year = date_string[4]
+ end
- def status(*status)
- if status.size == 1
- @status = status[0]
- else
- @status
- end
- end
+ def status(*status)
+ status.size == 1 ? @status = status[0] : @status
+ end
- def body(*body)
- if body.size == 1
- @body = body[0]
- else
- @body
- end
- end
+ def body(*body)
+ body.size == 1 ? @body = body[0] : @body
+ end
- def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
- sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
- end
+ def note(note_name, *tags, &block)
+ sub << Note.new(@name, note_name, *tags, &block)
+ end
- def daily_agenda(date)
- @sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
- s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}
- end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ @sub.select {|s| s.date.day == date.day &&
+ s.date.month == date.month && s.date.year == date.year}
+ end