Мартин обнови решението на 21.12.2015 14:26 (преди около 9 години)
+require 'date'
+class LazyMode
+ class << self
+ def create_file(name)
+ file = LazyMode::File.new(name)
+ file.instance_eval(&Proc.new)
+ file
+ end
+ end
+ class Date
+ attr_accessor :year, :month, :day
+ def initialize(date)
+ split = date.split('-')
+ @year = split[0].to_i
+ @month = split[1].to_i
+ @day = split[2].to_i
+ end
+ def to_s
+ date = "#{@year.to_s.rjust(4, '0')}-#{@month.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}"
+ date + "-#{@day.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}"
+ end
+ def +(number)
+ other = dup
+ other.day += number
+ other.send(:normalize)
+ other
+ end
+ def check_schedule(schedule)
+ date = Date.new(schedule.split[0])
+ unless get_step(schedule)
+ return Object::Date.parse(date.to_s) == Object::Date.parse(to_s)
+ end
+ while Object::Date.parse(date.to_s) < Object::Date.parse(to_s)
+ date += get_step(schedule)
+ end
+ Object::Date.parse(date.to_s) == Object::Date.parse(to_s)
+ end
+ private
+ def get_step(schedule)
+ step = (/\d?[mdw]/.match schedule.split[1]).to_s
+ eval(step.sub('m', '*30').sub('d', '*1').sub('w', '*7'))
+ end
+ def normalize
+ while @day > 30
+ @day -= 30
+ @month += 1
+ end
+ while @month > 12
+ @month -= 12
+ @year += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class Agenda
+ attr_reader :notes
+ def initialize(notes)
+ @notes = notes
+ end
+ def where(tag: nil, text: /.*/, status: nil)
+ notes = @notes.find_all do |note|
+ (tag.nil? or note.tags.include? tag) and
+ (!(note.body =~ text).nil? or !(note.header =~ text).nil?) and
+ (status.nil? or note.status == status)
+ end
+ Agenda.new(notes)
+ end
+ end
+ class File
+ attr_reader :name, :notes
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ @notes = Array.new
+ end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ notes = @notes.find_all { |note| date.check_schedule(note.scheduled) }
+ notes.each { |note| note.date = date }
+ Agenda.new(notes)
+ end
+ def weekly_agenda(date)
+ notes = Array.new
+ (0..6).each { |day| notes += daily_agenda(date + day).notes }
+ Agenda.new(notes)
+ end
+ private
+ def note(header, *tags)
+ note = Note.new(name, header, tags)
+ @notes << note
+ yield
+ end
+ def status(status)
+ @notes.last.status = status
+ end
+ def body(body)
+ @notes.last.body = body
+ end
+ def scheduled(scheduled)
+ @notes.last.scheduled = scheduled
+ end
+ end
+ class Note
+ attr_accessor :header, :file_name, :tags, :body, :status, :scheduled, :date
+ def initialize(file_name, header, tags)
+ @file_name = file_name
+ @header = header
+ @tags = tags
+ @status = :topostpone
+ @body = ''
+ end
+ end