Кузман обнови решението на 21.12.2015 16:24 (преди около 9 години)
+module LazyMode
+ include Enumerable
+ def self.create_file(name, &block)
+ new_file = File.new(name)
+ new_file.instance_eval(&block)
+ new_file
+ end
+ class Date
+ attr_reader :year, :month, :day
+ DAY_TYPE = { :d => 1, :w => 7, :m => 30 }
+ def initialize(date)
+ @year = date.slice(0, 4)
+ @month = date.slice(5, 2)
+ @day = date.slice(8, 2)
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{year}-#{month}-#{day}"
+ end
+ def add(time_frame)
+ time = (/\+\d+[dwm]/.match time_frame).to_s
+ count = (/\d+/.match time).to_s.to_i
+ type = (/[dwm]/.match time).to_s.to_sym
+ days = DAY_TYPE[type] * count
+ time_travel(self, days)
+ end
+ def time_travel(date, days)
+ nights, months, years = date.day.to_i + days, date.month.to_i, date.year
+ while nights > 30 do
+ months, nights = months.to_i + 1, nights.to_i - 30
+ end
+ while months > 12 do
+ years, months = years.to_i + 1, months.to_i - 12
+ end
+ LazyMode::Date.new(format_date(years.to_s, months.to_s, nights.to_s))
+ end
+ def ==(other)
+ self.to_s == other.to_s ? true : false
+ end
+ def >=(other)
+ return false if year.to_i < other.year.to_i
+ return false if month.to_i < other.month.to_i
+ return false if day.to_i < other.day.to_i
+ true
+ end
+ def <=(other)
+ return false if year.to_i > other.year.to_i
+ return false if month.to_i > other.month.to_i
+ return false if day.to_i > other.day.to_i
+ true
+ end
+ def format_date(years, months, nights)
+ formatted_year = ("0" * (4 - years.length)) + years
+ formatted_month = months.length == 1 ? "0" + months : months
+ formatted_day = nights.length == 1 ? "0" + nights : nights
+ "#{formatted_year}-#{formatted_month}-#{formatted_day}"
+ end
+ end
+ class File
+ attr_reader :name, :notes
+ def initialize(name)
+ @name = name
+ @notes = []
+ end
+ def note(header, *tags, &block)
+ new_note = Note.new(header, @name, *tags)
+ new_note.instance_eval(&block)
+ @notes << new_note
+ end
+ def daily_agenda(day)
+ agenda = []
+ tasks = collect_tasks(@notes)
+ tasks.each { |note| agenda << return_note(note, day, day) }
+ agenda.delete(nil)
+ new_agenda = Agenda.new(agenda)
+ end
+ def weekly_agenda(day)
+ agenda = []
+ tasks = collect_tasks(@notes)
+ tasks.each { |note| agenda << return_note(note, day, day.add("+6d")) }
+ agenda.delete(nil)
+ new_agenda = Agenda.new(agenda)
+ end
+ def collect_tasks(tasks)
+ collection = []
+ tasks.each { |task| collection << task }
+ tasks.each { |task| collection << task.sub_notes}
+ collection.flatten
+ end
+ def return_note(note, start_date, end_date)
+ (note.date >= start_date and note.date <= end_date) ? note : nil
+ end
+ end
+ class Note
+ attr_reader :tags, :header, :file_name, :sub_notes, :date, :recurrence
+ def initialize(header, file_name, *tags)
+ @header = header
+ @tags = tags
+ @status = :topostpone
+ @file_name = file_name
+ @body = ''
+ @sub_notes = []
+ end
+ def note(header, *tags, &block)
+ new_note = Note.new(header, @file_name, *tags)
+ new_note.instance_eval(&block)
+ @sub_notes << new_note
+ end
+ def body(*text)
+ text.size == 1 ? @body = text.first : @body
+ end
+ def status(*arguments)
+ arguments.size == 1 ? @status = arguments.first : @status
+ end
+ def scheduled(date)
+ @recurrence = (/\+\d+[dwm]/.match date).to_s
+ @date = LazyMode::Date.new(date)
+ end
+ end
+ class Agenda
+ attr_reader :notes
+ def initialize(agenda)
+ @notes = agenda
+ end
+ def where(tag: /./, text: /./, status: /./)
+ filtered_notes = []
+ @notes.each { |note| filtered_notes << tag_finder(note, tag) }
+ @notes.each { |note| remove_text(filtered_notes, note, text) }
+ @notes.each { |note| remove_status(filtered_notes, note, status) }
+ filtered_notes.delete(nil)
+ filtered_agenda = Agenda.new(filtered_notes)
+ end
+ def remove_text(tasks, note, text)
+ if (text.match note.header).nil? and (text.match note.body).nil?
+ tasks.delete(note)
+ end
+ end
+ def remove_status(tasks, note, status)
+ tasks.delete(note) if (note.status.to_s.match(status.to_s)).nil?
+ end
+ def tag_finder(note, tag)
+ note.tags.include?(tag) ? note : nil
+ end
+ end