Ивайло обнови решението на 11.01.2016 01:05 (преди около 9 години)
+class Spreadsheet
+ class Error < StandardError
+ def initialize(message)
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ attr_accessor :table
+ def initialize(text = nil)
+ if text == nil
+ @table = []
+ else
+ @table = fetch_table(text)
+ end
+ end
+ def empty?
+ @table == []
+ end
+ def cell_at(string)
+ index = TableIndex.new string
+ row, column = index.integer_indexes[0], index.integer_indexes[1]
+ begin
+ @table[row][column]
+ rescue StandardError
+ raise Error, "Cell '#{string}' does not exist"
+ end
+ end
+ def [](string)
+ cell = cell_at(string)
+ if cell[0] == '='
+ formula_cell cell
+ else
+ cell
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s
+ table = @table.map.with_index do |row, i|
+ row.map.with_index { |cell, j| self[TableIndex.get_string_index(i, j)]}
+ end
+ table = table.map { |row| row.join("\t") }
+ table.join("\n")
+ end
+ class TableIndex
+ attr_accessor :integer_indexes
+ def initialize(string)
+ @table_indexes = fetch_indexes(string)
+ @integer_indexes = get_integer_indexes
+ end
+ def get_integer_indexes
+ indexes = @table_indexes
+ column = integer_column_index indexes[0]
+ row = indexes[1].to_i
+ [row - 1, column - 1]
+ end
+ def integer_column_index(string)
+ offset = 'A'.ord - 1
+ string.chars.inject(0){ |x,c| x * 26 + c.ord - offset }
+ end
+ def fetch_indexes(string)
+ match = string.match(/\A([A-Z]+)([1-9][0-9]*)\Z/)
+ if match != nil
+ [match[1], match[2]]
+ else
+ raise Spreadsheet::Error, "Ivalid cell index '#{string}'"
+ end
+ end
+ def self.get_string_index(x, y)
+ x = x + 1
+ hash = Hash.new { |hash,key| hash[key] = hash[key - 1].next }
+ hash = hash.merge({0 => "A"})
+ hash[y] + x.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ class Formula
+ LESS = "Wrong number of arguments for 'FOO': expected at least %s, got $s"
+ WRONG = "Wrong number of arguments for 'FOO': expected %s, got %s"
+ FLOAT_FORMAT = "%.2f"
+ def initialize(table, string)
+ @table = table
+ @string = string
+ end
+ def evaluate
+ formula = @string.match(/\A([A-Z]+)\([0-9A-Z.]+(, [0-9A-Z.]+)*\)\Z/)
+ raise Error, "Invalid expression '#{@string}'" if formula == nil
+ unless FORMULAS.include? formula[1]
+ raise Error, "Unknown function '#{formula[1]}'"
+ else
+ self.send formula[1].downcase.to_sym
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_arguments
+ formula = @string.match(/\([0-9A-Z.]+(, [0-9A-Z.]+)*\)\Z/)
+ arguments = formula[0][1..-2].split(',').map(&:strip)
+ arguments = arguments.map do |argument|
+ if argument.match(/[A-Z]/) != nil
+ Float(@table[argument])
+ else
+ Float(argument)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def add
+ arguments = fetch_arguments
+ raise Error, LESS % [2, arguments.size] if arguments.size < 2
+ answer = arguments.inject(:+)
+ return answer.to_i.to_s if answer.to_i == answer
+ FLOAT_FORMAT % answer
+ end
+ def multiply
+ arguments = fetch_arguments
+ raise Error, LESS % [2, arguments.size] if arguments.size < 2
+ answer = arguments.inject(:*)
+ return answer.to_i.to_s if answer.to_i == answer
+ FLOAT_FORMAT % answer
+ end
+ def subtract
+ arguments = fetch_arguments
+ raise Error, WRONG % [2, arguments.size] if arguments.size != 2
+ answer = arguments[0] - arguments[1]
+ return answer.to_i.to_s if answer.to_i == answer
+ FLOAT_FORMAT % answer
+ end
+ def divide
+ arguments = fetch_arguments
+ raise Error, WRONG % [2, arguments.size] if arguments.size != 2
+ answer = arguments[0] / arguments[1]
+ return answer.to_i.to_s if answer.to_i == answer
+ FLOAT_FORMAT % answer
+ end
+ def mod
+ arguments = fetch_arguments
+ raise Error, WRONG % [2, arguments.size] if arguments.size != 2
+ answer = arguments[0] % arguments[1]
+ return answer.to_i.to_s if answer.to_i == answer
+ FLOAT_FORMAT % answer
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def fetch_table(text)
+ table = []
+ rows = text.split("\n")
+ rows = rows.map { |e| e.strip }.select { |e| e != "" }
+ rows.each { |row| table << fetch_row(row) }
+ table
+ end
+ def fetch_row(string)
+ row = []
+ string = string.split(/ {2,}|\t/)
+ string.map { |e| e.strip }.each { |cell| row << cell }
+ row
+ end
+ def formula_cell(cell)
+ number = cell.match(/= *([0-9.]+)/)
+ return number[1].to_i.to_s if number != nil and number[1].to_i == number[1]
+ return "%.2f" % number[1] if number != nil
+ is_reference = cell.match(/\A=([A-Z]+)([1-9][0-9]*)\Z/)
+ return self[is_reference[0][1 .. -1]] if is_reference != nil
+ Formula.new(self, cell[1..-1]).evaluate
+ end