Слави обнови решението на 11.01.2016 13:40 (преди около 9 години)
+class Spreadsheet
+ class Error < StandardError
+ attr_reader :message
+ def initialize(message)
+ @message = message
+ end
+ end
+ class InvalidError < Error
+ def initialize(message)
+ super("Invalid expression '#{message}'")
+ end
+ end
+ class CellError < Error
+ def initialize(message)
+ super("Cell '#{message}' does not exist")
+ end
+ end
+ class IndexError < Error
+ def initialize(message)
+ super("Invalid cell index '#{message}'")
+ end
+ end
+ class UnknownError < Error
+ def initialize(message)
+ super("Unknown function '#{message}'")
+ end
+ end
+ class LessError < Error
+ def initialize(function, size)
+ super("Wrong number of arguments for '#{function}':")
+ @message << " expected at least 2, got #{size}"
+ end
+ end
+ class ExactError < Error
+ def initialize(function, size)
+ super("Wrong number of arguments for '#{function}':")
+ @message << " expected 2, got #{size}"
+ end
+ end
+ class Text
+ def initialize(text)
+ @text = text
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @text
+ end
+ def calculate(table)
+ @text
+ end
+ end
+ class Reference
+ def initialize(text)
+ @text = text
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @text
+ end
+ def calculate(table)
+ /\A= *([A-Z]+[1-9])+\z/.match(@text)
+ raise InvalidError.new(@text.delete('=')) if not index = $1
+ result = table[index]
+ return result if /\A[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\z/ !~ result and /\A[0-9]+\z/ !~ result
+ return result.to_f.floor.to_s if result.to_f == result.to_f.floor
+ '%.2f' % result.to_f.round(2)
+ end
+ end
+ class Number
+ def initialize(text)
+ @text = text
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @text
+ end
+ def calculate(table)
+ /\A= *([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\z/.match(@text)
+ raise InvalidError.new(@text.delete('=')) if not result = $1
+ return result.to_f.floor.to_s if result.to_f == result.to_f.floor
+ '%.2f' % result.to_f.round(2)
+ end
+ end
+ class Formula
+ @@known = {
+ ADD: ['+'.to_sym, 1],
+ MULTIPLY: ['*'.to_sym, 1],
+ SUBTRACT: ['-'.to_sym, 2],
+ DIVIDE: ['/'.to_sym, 2],
+ MOD: ['%'.to_sym, 2],
+ }
+ def initialize(text)
+ @text = text
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @text
+ end
+ def calculate(table)
+ /\A= *([A-Z]+) *\(([A-Z0-9, .]+)\)\z/.match(@text)
+ action, list = $1, $2
+ raise InvalidError.new(@text.delete('=')) if not action
+ raise InvalidError.new(@text.delete('=')) if not valid(list)
+ raise UnknownError.new(action) if not @@known[action.to_sym]
+ helper(action.to_sym, list, table)
+ end
+ private
+ def helper(action, list, table)
+ if @@known[action][1] == 1
+ multiple(action, list, table)
+ else
+ binary(action, list, table)
+ end
+ end
+ def multiple(action, list, table)
+ list = list.split(/ *, */)
+ raise LessError.new(action, list.size) if list.size < 2
+ result = list.map { |item| Cell.new("=#{item}").calculate(table).to_f }.
+ reduce(@@known[action][0])
+ return result.to_f.floor.to_s if result.to_f == result.to_f.floor
+ '%.2f' % result.to_f.round(2)
+ end
+ def binary(action, list, table)
+ list = list.split(/ *, */)
+ raise ExactError.new(action, list.size) if list.size != 2
+ list.map! { |item| Cell.new("=#{item}").calculate(table).to_f }
+ result = list[0].to_f.send(@@known[action][0], list[1].to_f)
+ return result.to_f.floor.to_s if result.to_f == result.to_f.floor
+ '%.2f' % result.to_f.round(2)
+ end
+ def valid(list)
+ list.split(/ *, */).each do |item|
+ return true if item =~ /\A([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)\z/
+ return true if item =~ /\A*([A-Z]+[1-9])+\z/
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ end
+ class Cell
+ def initialize(text)
+ return @cell = Text.new(text) if text =~ /\A[^=]/
+ return @cell = Number.new(text) if text =~ /\A= *[0-9.]+/
+ return @cell = Reference.new(text) if text =~ /\A= *[A-Z]+[1-9]+/
+ @cell = Formula.new(text)
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @cell.to_s
+ end
+ def calculate(table)
+ @cell.calculate(table)
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(sheet = '')
+ /\A\s*(.*\S)\s*\z/m.match(sheet)
+ return @cells = [] if not $1
+ @cells = $1.split("\n")
+ normalize_rows
+ @cells.map! { |row| row.split(/ +|\t+/) }
+ normalize_cells
+ end
+ def empty?
+ @cells == []
+ end
+ def cell_at(cell)
+ column, row = index(cell)
+ if row >= @cells.size or column >= @cells[0].size
+ raise CellError.new(cell)
+ end
+ @cells[row][column].to_s
+ end
+ def [](cell)
+ column, row = index(cell)
+ if row >= @cells.size or column >= @cells[0].size
+ raise CellError.new(cell)
+ end
+ @cells[row][column].calculate(self)
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @cells.map{ |row| row.map { |cell| cell.calculate(self) } }.
+ map { |row| row.join("\t") }.join("\n")
+ end
+ private
+ def index(cell)
+ /\A([A-Z]+)([1-9]+)\z/.match(cell)
+ column, row = $1, $2
+ raise IndexError.new(cell) if not column or not row
+ column = column.split('').map { |item| item.ord - 'A'.ord + 1 }.
+ reduce(0) { |result, item| result * 26 + item } - 1
+ return column, row.to_i - 1
+ end
+ def normalize_rows
+ @cells.map! do |row|
+ /\A\s*(.*\S)\s*\z/.match(row)
+ $1
+ end
+ end
+ def normalize_cells
+ @cells.each do |row|
+ row.map! do |cell|
+ /\A\s*(.*\S)\s*\z/.match(cell)
+ Cell.new($1)
+ end
+ end
+ end