Десислава обнови решението на 24.10.2015 19:29 (преди над 9 години)
+class RationalSequence
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(limit)
+ @limit = limit
+ end
+ def each
+ start_numerator, counter = 1, 0
+ row, col = 1, 1
+ while counter < @limit
+ if row.gcd(col) == 1
+ yield Rational(row, col)
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ row, col = calculate_direction(row, col)
+ end
+ end
+ def calculate_direction(row, col)
+ if col == 1 and row.odd?
+ row += 1
+ elsif row == 1 and col.even?
+ col += 1
+ elsif (row + col).even?
+ row += 1
+ col -= 1
+ else
+ row -= 1
+ col += 1
+ end
+ return row, col
+ end
+class PrimeSequence
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(limit)
+ @limit = limit
+ end
+ def prime?(number)
+ number == 1 ? false : (2..number / 2).none?{|i| number % i == 0}
+ end
+ def each
+ number, counter = 2, 0
+ while counter < @limit
+ if prime?(number)
+ yield(number)
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ number += 1
+ end
+ end
+class FibonacciSequence
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(limit, first: 1, second: 1)
+ @limit = limit
+ @first = first
+ @second = second
+ end
+ def each
+ first, second = @first, @second
+ @limit.times do
+ yield first
+ first, second = second, first+second
+ end
+ end
+class WorthlessRationalSequence < RationalSequence
+ def each
+ start_numerator, sum = 1, 0
+ row, col = 1, 1
+ while sum < @limit
+ number = Rational(row, col)
+ break if sum + number > @limit
+ if row.gcd(col) == 1
+ yield number
+ sum += number
+ end
+ row, col = calculate_direction(row, col)
+ end
+ end
+module DrunkenMathematician
+ module_function
+ def prime?(number)
+ number == 1 ? false : (2..number / 2).none?{|i| number % i == 0}
+ end
+ def meaningless(count)
+ return 1 if count == 0
+ groups = RationalSequence.new(count).to_a.group_by do |number|
+ prime?(number.numerator) or prime?(number.denominator)
+ end
+ groups[true] ||= []
+ groups[false] ||= []
+ groups[true].reduce(1, :*) / groups[false].reduce(1, :*)
+ end
+ def aimless(count)
+ return 0 if count == 0
+ numbers = PrimeSequence.new(count).each_slice(2).map do |pair|
+ pair.length == 2? Rational(pair.first, pair.last) : Rational(pair.first)
+ end
+ numbers.reduce(:+)
+ end
+ def worthless(nth_fibonacci)
+ return 0 if nth_fibonacci == 0
+ snippet_numbers = []
+ limit = FibonacciSequence.new(nth_fibonacci).to_a.last
+ WorthlessRationalSequence.new(limit).to_a
+ end