Решение на Втора задача от Огнян Ангелов

Обратно към всички решения

Към профила на Огнян Ангелов


  • 6 точки от тестове
  • 0 бонус точки
  • 6 точки общо
  • 20 успешни тест(а)
  • 0 неуспешни тест(а)


def move_segment(segment, direction)
[segment[0] + direction[0], segment[1] + direction[1]]
def move(snake, direction)
head = snake[-1]
snake[1..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
def grow(snake, direction)
head = snake[-1]
snake[0..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
def new_food(food, snake, dimensions)
x_spaces = (0..dimensions[:width] - 1).to_a
y_spaces = (0..dimensions[:height] - 1).to_a
all_spaces = x_spaces.product y_spaces
taken_spaces = food + snake
all_spaces.shuffle.find { |space| !taken_spaces.include? space }
def obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions)
next_head = move_segment(snake[-1], direction)
within_x = next_head[0] >= 0 && next_head[0] < dimensions[:width]
within_y = next_head[1] >= 0 && next_head[1] < dimensions[:height]
!within_x || !within_y || (snake.include? next_head)
def danger?(snake, direction, dimensions)
obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions) ||
obstacle_ahead?(move(snake, direction), direction, dimensions)

Лог от изпълнението


Finished in 0.01445 seconds
20 examples, 0 failures

История (3 версии и 2 коментара)

Огнян обнови решението на 17.10.2015 13:53 (преди над 9 години)

+def move_segment(segment, direction)
+ [segment[0] + direction[0], segment[1] + direction[1]]
+def move(snake, direction)
+ head = snake[-1]
+ snake[1..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
+def grow(snake, direction)
+ head = snake[-1]
+ snake[0..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
+def new_food(food, snake, dimensions)
+ x_spaces = (0..dimensions[:width] - 1).to_a
+ y_spaces = (0..dimensions[:height] - 1).to_a
+ all_spaces = x_spaces.product y_spaces
+ taken_spaces = food + snake
+ all_spaces.shuffle.find { |space| !taken_spaces.include? space }
+def obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions)
+ next_head = move_segment(snake[-1], direction)
+ within_x = next_head[0] >= 0 and next_head[0] < dimensions[:width]
+ within_y = next_head[1] >= 0 and next_head[1] < dimensions[:height]
+ within_x and within_y and not snake.include? next_head
+def danger?(snake, direction, dimensions)
+ obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions) or
+ obstacle_ahead?(move(snake, direction), direction, dimensions)

Да пуснах тестовете - минаваха. Наистина логиката на obsticle_ahead? е обърната. Причината за пасването на тестовете явно е, че ако искам да ползвам 'and' трябва да сложа един куп скоби... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1426826/difference-between-and-and-in-ruby

Смених ги с аналогичните &&, ||.

Благодаря за коментара :)

Огнян обнови решението на 19.10.2015 02:39 (преди над 9 години)

def move_segment(segment, direction)
[segment[0] + direction[0], segment[1] + direction[1]]
def move(snake, direction)
head = snake[-1]
snake[1..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
def grow(snake, direction)
head = snake[-1]
snake[0..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
def new_food(food, snake, dimensions)
x_spaces = (0..dimensions[:width] - 1).to_a
y_spaces = (0..dimensions[:height] - 1).to_a
all_spaces = x_spaces.product y_spaces
taken_spaces = food + snake
all_spaces.shuffle.find { |space| !taken_spaces.include? space }
def obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions)
next_head = move_segment(snake[-1], direction)
- within_x = next_head[0] >= 0 and next_head[0] < dimensions[:width]
- within_y = next_head[1] >= 0 and next_head[1] < dimensions[:height]
+ within_x = (next_head[0] >= 0 && next_head[0] < dimensions[:width])
+ within_y = (next_head[1] >= 0 && next_head[1] < dimensions[:height])
- within_x and within_y and not snake.include? next_head
+ !within_x || !within_y || (snake.include? next_head)
def danger?(snake, direction, dimensions)
- obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions) or
+ obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions) ||
obstacle_ahead?(move(snake, direction), direction, dimensions)

Огнян обнови решението на 19.10.2015 02:40 (преди над 9 години)

def move_segment(segment, direction)
[segment[0] + direction[0], segment[1] + direction[1]]
def move(snake, direction)
head = snake[-1]
snake[1..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
def grow(snake, direction)
head = snake[-1]
snake[0..-1].push move_segment(head, direction)
def new_food(food, snake, dimensions)
x_spaces = (0..dimensions[:width] - 1).to_a
y_spaces = (0..dimensions[:height] - 1).to_a
all_spaces = x_spaces.product y_spaces
taken_spaces = food + snake
all_spaces.shuffle.find { |space| !taken_spaces.include? space }
def obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions)
next_head = move_segment(snake[-1], direction)
- within_x = (next_head[0] >= 0 && next_head[0] < dimensions[:width])
- within_y = (next_head[1] >= 0 && next_head[1] < dimensions[:height])
+ within_x = next_head[0] >= 0 && next_head[0] < dimensions[:width]
+ within_y = next_head[1] >= 0 && next_head[1] < dimensions[:height]
!within_x || !within_y || (snake.include? next_head)
def danger?(snake, direction, dimensions)
obstacle_ahead?(snake, direction, dimensions) ||
obstacle_ahead?(move(snake, direction), direction, dimensions)