Христина обнови решението на 25.10.2015 19:18 (преди над 9 години)
+class RationalSequence
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(limit)
+ @limit = limit
+ @saver = limit
+ @arr = []
+ @step = 2
+ end
+ def to_a
+ if @limit == 0 then return @arr else @arr.push(Rational(1,1)) end
+ while(@limit - 1 > 0)
+ i = 1
+ while(@limit > 0 and i <= @step)
+ @arr.push(Rational(@step - i + 1, i)).uniq!
+ @limit = @saver - @arr.length
+ i += 1
+ end
+ @step += 1
+ i = 1
+ while(@limit > 0 and i <= @step)
+ @arr.push(Rational(i, @step - i + 1)).uniq!
+ @limit = @saver - @arr.length
+ i += 1
+ end
+ @step += 1
+ end
+ @arr
+ end
+class PrimeSequence
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(limit)
+ @limit = limit
+ end
+ def each
+ stop = 0
+ current_number = 2
+ while stop < @limit do
+ if prime?(current_number)
+ yield current_number
+ stop = stop+1
+ end
+ current_number = current_number + 1
+ end
+ end
+ def prime?(n)
+ return false if n <= 1
+ 2.upto(n-1) do |x|
+ return false if n%x == 0
+ end
+ true
+ end
+class FibonacciSequence
+ include Enumerable
+ def initialize(limit,first: 1, second: 1)
+ @limit = limit
+ @first = first
+ @second = second
+ end
+ def each
+ stop = 0
+ yield @first
+ while stop < @limit-1
+ stop = stop + 1
+ yield @second
+ @first, @second = @second, @first + @second
+ end
+ end
+module DrunkenMathematician
+ module_function
+ def meaningless(n)
+ arr = RationalSequence.new(n).to_a
+ first_array = []
+ second_array = []
+ for i in 0...n
+ if !PrimeSequence.new(1).prime?(arr[i].numerator) and
+ !PrimeSequence.new(1).prime?(arr[i].denominator)
+ second_array << arr[i]
+ else
+ first_array << arr[i]
+ end
+ end
+ product_one = 1
+ first_array.each { |a| product_one *= a }
+ product_two = 1
+ second_array.each { |a| product_two *= a }
+ product_one / product_two
+ end
+ def aimless(n)
+ sum = 0
+ arr = PrimeSequence.new(n).to_a
+ (0..n/2).each do |i|
+ if i%2 == 0
+ sum = sum + Rational(arr[i],arr[i+1])
+ end
+ end
+ return sum
+ end
+ def worthless(n)
+ number = FibonacciSequence.new(n).to_a.at(n-1)
+ i = 1
+ sum = RationalSequence.new(i).to_a.reduce :+
+ while sum.ceil <= number
+ i += 1
+ sum = RationalSequence.new(i).to_a.reduce :+
+ end
+ RationalSequence.new(i-1).to_a
+ end