Виктор обнови решението на 10.11.2015 19:47 (преди около 9 години)
+class Card
+ def initialize(rank, suit)
+ @rank = rank
+ @suit = suit
+ end
+ attr_reader :rank
+ attr_reader :suit
+ def rank_to_number
+ case @rank
+ when :ace then 14
+ when :king then 13
+ when :queen then 12
+ when :jack then 11
+ else @rank
+ end
+ end
+ def to_s
+ if rank_to_number > 10
+ @rank.capitalize.to_s + " of " + @suit.capitalize.to_s
+ else @rank.to_s + " of " + @suit.capitalize.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def ==(card)
+ @rank == card.rank and @suit == card.suit
+ end
+ def <=>(card)
+ if @suit.to_s[0].ord != card.suit.to_s[0].ord
+ @suit.to_s[0].ord <=> card.suit.to_s[0].ord
+ else rank_to_number <=> card.rank_to_number
+ end
+ end
+ def to_belote
+ BeloteCard.new(@rank, @suit)
+ end
+class BeloteCard < Card
+ def rank_to_number
+ case @rank
+ when :ace then 14
+ when :king then 12
+ when :queen then 11
+ when :jack then 10
+ when 10 then 13
+ else @rank
+ end
+ end
+class Deck
+ include Enumerable
+ def basic_deck
+ array_of_cards = []
+ count = 1
+ while count <= 52
+ card = Card.new(number_to_rank(count % 13 + 2),number_to_suit(count % 4))
+ array_of_cards << card
+ count += 1
+ end
+ array_of_cards
+ end
+ def initialize(array_of_cards = basic_deck)
+ @cards = array_of_cards.dup
+ end
+ def each
+ counter = 0
+ while counter < @cards.size
+ yield @cards[counter]
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ end
+ def size
+ @cards.size
+ end
+ def draw_top_card
+ @cards.pop
+ end
+ def draw_bottom_card
+ @cards.shift
+ end
+ def top_card
+ @cards[-1]
+ end
+ def bottom_card
+ @cards[0]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ counter = 0
+ string = ""
+ while counter < @cards.size
+ string = string + @cards[counter].to_s + "\n"
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ string
+ end
+ def sort
+ @cards.sort!.reverse!
+ end
+ def shuffle
+ @cards.shuffle!
+ end
+ def number_to_rank(number)
+ case number
+ when 14 then :ace
+ when 13 then :king
+ when 12 then :queen
+ when 11 then :jack
+ else number
+ end
+ end
+ def number_to_suit(number)
+ case number
+ when 3 then :spades
+ when 2 then :hearts
+ when 1 then :diamonds
+ else :clubs
+ end
+class WarDeck < Deck
+ def deal
+ dealt_cards, counter = [], 0
+ while counter < 26
+ dealt_cards << draw_top_card
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ PlayerWarDeck.new(dealt_cards)
+ end
+class PlayerWarDeck < Deck
+ def play_card
+ draw_bottom_card
+ end
+ def allow_face_up?
+ size <= 3
+ end
+class BeloteDeck < Deck
+ def basic_deck
+ array_of_cards, count = [], -1
+ while (count += 1) < 8
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 7),:spades)
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 7),:diamonds)
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 7),:hearts)
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 7),:clubs)
+ end
+ array_of_cards
+ end
+ def initialize(array_of_cards = basic_deck)
+ counter = 0
+ while counter < array_of_cards.size
+ array_of_cards[counter] = array_of_cards[counter].to_belote
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ @cards = array_of_cards.dup
+ end
+ def deal
+ dealt_cards, counter = [], 0
+ while counter < 8
+ dealt_cards << draw_top_card
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ PlayerBeloteDeck.new(dealt_cards)
+ end
+ def sort
+ @cards.sort!.reverse!
+ end
+class PlayerBeloteDeck < Deck
+ def carre_of_jacks?
+ @cards.select{|card| card.rank == :jack}.size == 4
+ end
+ def carre_of_nines?
+ @cards.select{|card| card.rank == 9}.size == 4
+ end
+ def carre_of_aces?
+ @cards.select{|card| card.rank == :ace}.size == 4
+ end
+ def highest_of_suit(suit)
+ @cards.select{|card| card.suit == suit}.max
+ end
+ def belote_from_suit(suit)
+ has_queen = @cards.any? {|card| card == Card.new(:queen,suit)}
+ has_king = @cards.any? {|card| card == Card.new(:king,suit)}
+ has_king and has_queen
+ end
+ def belote?
+ minor_belote = (belote_from_suit(:clubs) or belote_from_suit(:diamonds))
+ major_belote = (belote_from_suit(:hearts) or belote_from_suit(:spades))
+ minor_belote or major_belote
+ end
+ def max_sequence(suit)
+ cards = @cards.select{|card| card.suit == suit}
+ max_count, count, counter = 0, 1, 0
+ while counter < cards.size - 1
+ if (cards[counter].rank_to_number - 1) == cards[counter + 1].rank_to_number
+ count, counter = count + 1, counter + 1
+ else max_count, count, counter = [max_count, count].max, 1, counter + 1
+ end
+ end
+ max_count
+ end
+ def tierce?
+ self.sort
+ if (max_sequence(:spades) >= 3) or (max_sequence(:diamonds) >= 3)
+ true
+ elsif (max_sequence(:clubs) >= 3) or (max_sequence(:hearts) >= 3)
+ true
+ else false
+ end
+ end
+ def quarte?
+ self.sort
+ if (max_sequence(:spades) >= 4) or (max_sequence(:diamonds) >= 4)
+ true
+ elsif (max_sequence(:clubs) >= 4) or (max_sequence(:hearts) >= 4)
+ true
+ else false
+ end
+ end
+ def quint?
+ self.sort
+ if (max_sequence(:spades) >= 5) or (max_sequence(:diamonds) >= 5)
+ true
+ elsif (max_sequence(:clubs) >= 5) or (max_sequence(:hearts) >= 5)
+ true
+ else false
+ end
+ end
+class SixtySixDeck < Deck
+ def deal
+ dealt_cards, counter = [], 0
+ while counter < 6
+ dealt_cards << draw_top_card
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ PlayerSixtySixDeck.new(dealt_cards)
+ end
+ def basic_deck
+ array_of_cards, count = [], -1
+ while (count += 1) < 6
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 9),:spades)
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 9),:diamonds)
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 9),:hearts)
+ array_of_cards << BeloteCard.new(number_to_rank(count % 8 + 9),:clubs)
+ end
+ array_of_cards
+ end
+ def initialize(array_of_cards = basic_deck)
+ counter = 0
+ while counter < array_of_cards.size
+ array_of_cards[counter] = array_of_cards[counter].to_belote
+ counter += 1
+ end
+ @cards = array_of_cards.dup
+ end
+class PlayerSixtySixDeck < Deck
+ def forty?(trump_suit)
+ has_queen = @cards.any? {|card| card == Card.new(:queen,trump_suit)}
+ has_king = @cards.any? {|card| card == Card.new(:king,trump_suit)}
+ has_king and has_queen
+ end
+ def twenty?(trump_suit)
+ first_suit, second_suit = false, false
+ third_suit, forth_suit = false, false
+ first_suit = (forty?(:spades) and :spades != trump_suit)
+ second_suit = (forty?(:diamonds) and :diamonds != trump_suit)
+ third_suit = (forty?(:hearts) and :hearts != trump_suit)
+ forth_suit = (forty?(:clubs) and :clubs != trump_suit)
+ first_suit or second_suit or third_suit or forth_suit
+ end