Николай обнови решението на 10.11.2015 22:57 (преди около 9 години)
+class Card
+ attr_reader :rank, :suit, :custom_suits, :custom_ranks
+ include Comparable
+ SUITS = [:clubs, :diamonds, :hearts, :spades].freeze
+ RANKS = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, :jack, :queen, :king, :ace].freeze
+ def initialize(rank, suit, custom_ranks_array = nil, custom_suits_array = nil)
+ @custom_ranks = custom_ranks_array || RANKS
+ @custom_suits = custom_suits_array || SUITS
+ unless @custom_suits.include?(suit) and @custom_ranks.include?(rank)
+ raise ArgumentError.new("Invaliad arguments to create a card")
+ end
+ @rank = rank
+ @suit = suit
+ end
+ def to_s
+ "#{@rank.to_s.capitalize} of #{@suit.to_s.capitalize}"
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ comparison = @custom_suits.find_index(suit) <=>
+ @custom_suits.find_index(other.suit)
+ if comparison == 0
+ comparison = @custom_ranks.find_index(rank) <=>
+ @custom_ranks.find_index(other.rank)
+ end
+ comparison
+ end
+# The first card in the array is the card on the top
+# The last card in the array is the card on the bottom
+module DeckModule
+ include Enumerable
+ def each(&block)
+ cards_collection.each(&block)
+ end
+ def size
+ cards_collection.size
+ end
+ def draw_top_card
+ cards_collection.shift
+ end
+ def draw_bottom_card
+ cards_collection.pop
+ end
+ def top_card
+ cards_collection.first
+ end
+ def bottom_card
+ cards_collection.last
+ end
+ def shuffle
+ cards_collection.shuffle!
+ end
+ def sort
+ cards_collection.sort!.reverse!
+ self
+ end
+ def to_s
+ cards_collection.map(&:to_s).join("\n")
+ end
+class Deck
+ include DeckModule
+ def initialize(deck = nil)
+ deck = Array(deck) if deck
+ @deck = deck || self.class.generate_deck
+ end
+ def self.generate_deck
+ Card::RANKS.product(Card::SUITS).each_with_object([]) do |pair, deck|
+ deck << Card.new(pair.first, pair.last)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def cards_collection
+ @deck
+ end
+class WarDeck < Deck
+ HAND_SIZE = 26
+ def deal
+ card_array = []
+ HAND_SIZE.times do
+ card_array << draw_top_card
+ end
+ WarHand.new(card_array)
+ end
+class WarHand
+ include DeckModule
+ def initialize(card_array)
+ @hand = card_array
+ end
+ def allow_face_up?
+ cards_collection.size <= 3
+ end
+ alias_method :play_card, :draw_top_card
+ private
+ def cards_collection
+ @hand
+ end
+class SixtySixDeck < Deck
+ RANKS = [9, :jack, :queen, :king, 10, :ace].freeze
+ def deal
+ hand_array = []
+ 6.times do
+ hand_array << draw_top_card
+ end
+ SixtySixHand.new(hand_array)
+ end
+ def self.generate_deck
+ RANKS.product(Card::SUITS).each_with_object([]) do |pair, deck|
+ deck << Card.new(pair.first, pair.last, RANKS)
+ end
+ end
+class SixtySixHand
+ include DeckModule
+ def initialize(hand_array)
+ @hand = hand_array
+ end
+ def twenty?(trump_suit)
+ valid_suits = Card::SUITS.dup
+ valid_suits.delete(trump_suit)
+ valid_suits.any? do |suit|
+ @hand.include? Card.new(:queen, suit) and
+ @hand.include? Card.new(:king, suit)
+ end
+ end
+ def forty?(trump_suit)
+ @hand.include? Card.new(:queen, trump_suit) and
+ @hand.include? Card.new(:king, trump_suit)
+ end
+ private
+ def cards_collection
+ @hand
+ end
+class BeloteDeck < Deck
+ RANKS = [7, 8, 9, :jack, :queen, :king, 10, :ace].freeze
+ def deal
+ hand = []
+ HAND_SIZE.times{ hand << draw_top_card }
+ BeloteHand.new(hand)
+ end
+ private
+ def self.generate_deck
+ RANKS.product(Card::SUITS).each_with_object([]) do |suit_and_rank, deck|
+ deck << Card.new(suit_and_rank.first, suit_and_rank.last, RANKS)
+ end
+ end
+class BeloteHand
+ include DeckModule
+ def initialize(hand)
+ @hand = hand
+ end
+ def highest_of_suit(suit)
+ suit_collection = @hand.select{ |card| card.suit == suit }
+ BeloteHand.new(suit_collection).sort.draw_top_card
+ end
+ def belote?
+ Card::SUITS.any? do |suit|
+ @hand.include? Card.new(:queen, suit) and
+ @hand.include? Card.new(:king, suit)
+ end
+ end
+ # Would have loved to do it this way, but ... 3 levels of nesting ...
+ # {jacks?: :jack, nines?: 9, aces?: :ace}.each do |method_suffix, rank|
+ # define_method "carre_of_#{method_suffix.to_s }" do
+ # @hand.select { |card| card.rank == rank }.size == 4
+ # end
+ # end
+ def carre_of_jacks?
+ @hand.select{ |card| card.rank == :jack }.size == 4
+ end
+ def carre_of_nines?
+ @hand.select{ |card| card.rank == 9}.size == 4
+ end
+ def carre_of_aces?
+ @hand.select{ |card| card.rank == :ace}.size == 4
+ end
+ def tierce?
+ sort
+ ranks = @hand.first.custom_ranks
+ @hand.each_cons(3).any? do |consecutive_cards|
+ (consecutive_cards.map(&:suit).uniq.size == 1) and
+ consecutive_cards.each_cons(2).all? do |first, second|
+ ranks.find_index(first.rank) == ranks.find_index(second.rank) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def quarte?
+ sort
+ ranks = @hand.first.custom_ranks
+ @hand.each_cons(4).any? do |consecutive_cards|
+ (consecutive_cards.map(&:suit).uniq.size == 1) and
+ consecutive_cards.each_cons(2).all? do |first, second|
+ ranks.find_index(first.rank) == ranks.find_index(second.rank) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def quint?
+ sort
+ ranks = @hand.first.custom_ranks
+ @hand.each_cons(5).any? do |consecutive_cards|
+ (consecutive_cards.map(&:suit).uniq.size == 1) and
+ consecutive_cards.each_cons(2).all? do |first, second|
+ ranks.find_index(first.rank) == ranks.find_index(second.rank) + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def cards_collection
+ @hand
+ end
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