Никола обнови решението на 29.11.2015 03:42 (преди около 9 години)
+require 'bigdecimal'
+module TurtleGraphics
+ class Turtle
+ 'left': [0, -1],
+ 'right': [0, 1],
+ 'up': [-1, 0],
+ 'down': [1, 0]
+ }
+ DIRECTIONS_SEQUENCE = { 'left': 0, 'up': 1, 'right': 2, 'down': 3 }
+ def initialize(rows, cols)
+ @rows = rows
+ @cols = cols
+ @travel_matrix = Array.new(rows) { Array.new(cols) { |_| 0 } }
+ @travel_matrix[0][0] = 1
+ @location = [0, 0]
+ @direction = :right
+ end
+ def draw(draw_function = nil, &block)
+ instance_eval &block if block_given?
+ if draw_function.nil?
+ @travel_matrix
+ else
+ draw_function.draw @travel_matrix, max_steps_in_cell
+ end
+ end
+ def max_steps_in_cell
+ @travel_matrix.map do |row|
+ row.max
+ end.max
+ end
+ def spawn_at(row, col)
+ # Should only be called after initialize
+ @travel_matrix[0][0] = 0
+ @location = [row, col]
+ @travel_matrix[row][col] = 1
+ end
+ def move
+ direction = DIRECTIONS[@direction]
+ row = _translate(@location[0] + direction[0], @rows)
+ col = _translate(@location[1] + direction[1], @cols)
+ @location[0] = row
+ @location[1] = col
+ @travel_matrix[row][col] += 1
+ end
+ def _translate(current, total)
+ if current >= total
+ current = 0
+ elsif current < 0
+ current = total - 1
+ end
+ current
+ end
+ def look(orientation)
+ @direction = orientation.to_s
+ end
+ def turn_left
+ _turn(:left)
+ end
+ def turn_right
+ _turn(:right)
+ end
+ def _turn(direction)
+ if direction == :right
+ step = 1
+ elsif direction == :left
+ step = -1
+ end
+ next_orientation = DIRECTIONS_SEQUENCE[@direction.to_sym] + step
+ if next_orientation < 0
+ next_orientation = DIRECTIONS_SEQUENCE.length - 1
+ elsif next_orientation >= DIRECTIONS_SEQUENCE.length
+ next_orientation = 0
+ end
+ @direction = DIRECTIONS_SEQUENCE.key(next_orientation)
+ end
+ end
+ module Canvas
+ class BaseDraw
+ def get_intensity_ratio(cell, max_steps)
+ decimal_cell = BigDecimal.new(cell.to_s)
+ decimal_max_steps = BigDecimal.new(max_steps.to_s)
+ cell == 0 ? 0 : decimal_cell / decimal_max_steps
+ end
+ end
+ class ASCII < BaseDraw
+ def initialize(intensity_array)
+ @intensity_array = intensity_array
+ end
+ def draw(travel_matrix, max_steps)
+ travel_matrix.map do |row|
+ row.map do |cell|
+ get_cell_char cell, max_steps
+ end.join
+ end.join('\n')
+ end
+ def get_cell_char(cell, max_steps)
+ intensity_ratio = get_intensity_ratio cell, max_steps
+ get_intensity_index intensity_ratio.floor(1)
+ end
+ def get_intensity_index(intensity_ratio)
+ # Should have edge case checks
+ if intensity_ratio == 0
+ @intensity_array[0]
+ elsif intensity_ratio <= BigDecimal.new('0.3')
+ @intensity_array[1]
+ elsif intensity_ratio <= BigDecimal.new('0.6')
+ @intensity_array[2]
+ elsif intensity_ratio <= 1
+ @intensity_array[3]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class HTML < BaseDraw
+ def initialize(size)
+ @size = size
+ @table = ''
+ end
+ def html_template
+ '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Turtle graphics</title>' +\
+ '<style> table {border-spacing: 0;} tr {padding: 0;} ' +\
+ "td {width: #{@size}px; height: #{@size}px; " +\
+ 'background-color: black; padding: 0; }' +\
+ "</style></head><body><table>#{@table}</table></body></html>"
+ end
+ def draw(travel_matrix, max_steps)
+ generate_table travel_matrix, max_steps
+ html_template
+ end
+ def generate_table(travel_matrix, max_steps)
+ @table = travel_matrix.map do |row|
+ generate_tr row, max_steps
+ end.join
+ end
+ def generate_tr(row, max_steps)
+ table_row = row.map do |cell|
+ generate_td cell, max_steps
+ end.join
+ "<tr>#{table_row}</tr>"
+ end
+ def generate_td(cell, max_steps)
+ intensity = get_intensity_ratio cell, max_steps
+ "<td style=\"opacity: #{format('%.2f', intensity)}\"></td>"
+ end
+ end
+ end