Станимира обнови решението на 20.12.2015 23:29 (преди около 9 години)
+module LazyMode
+ def self.create_file(name, &block)
+ File.new(name, &block)
+ end
+ class Date
+ include Comparable
+ PREFIX = '0'
+ DAYS_PER_IDENTIFIER = {d: 1, w: 7, m: 30}
+ attr_accessor :year, :month, :day, :step
+ def initialize(string)
+ date = string.split(' ')[0].split('-').map { |s| s.to_i }
+ @year = date[0]
+ @month = date[1]
+ @day = date[2]
+ repeat = string.split(' ')[1]
+ @step = calculate_step(repeat) if not repeat.nil?
+ end
+ def <=>(other)
+ [@year, @month, @day] <=> [other.year, other.month, other.day]
+ end
+ def increase_days(step = @step)
+ @day += step
+ put_in_ranges
+ end
+ def in_interval?(from, to = from)
+ while(not @step.nil? and from > self)
+ self.increase_days
+ end
+ from <= self and self <= to
+ end
+ def to_s
+ year = add_prefix(@year.to_s, 4, PREFIX)
+ month = add_prefix(@month.to_s, 2, PREFIX)
+ day = add_prefix(@day.to_s, 2, PREFIX)
+ [year, month, day].join('-')
+ end
+ private
+ def add_prefix(string, count, prefix)
+ string.rjust(count, prefix)
+ end
+ def put_in_ranges
+ @month += (@day % 30 == 0) ? (@day / 30 - 1) : @day / 30
+ @day = (@day % 30 == 0) ? 30 : (@day % 30)
+ @year += (@month % 12 == 0) ? (@month / 12 - 1) : @month / 12
+ @month = (@month % 12 == 0) ? 12 : (@month % 12)
+ end
+ def calculate_step(repeat)
+ period_identifier = repeat.slice(-1).to_sym
+ count = repeat.slice(1..-1).to_i
+ DAYS_PER_IDENTIFIER[period_identifier] * count
+ end
+ end
+ class Note
+ attr_reader :header, :body, :status, :tags
+ attr_reader :file_name, :file
+ attr_reader :scheduled, :date
+ def initialize(header, file, *tags, &block)
+ @header, @file, @tags = header, file, tags
+ @file_name = file.name
+ @body = ''
+ @status = :topostpone
+ file.notes << self
+ instance_eval &block
+ end
+ def body(body = nil)
+ @body = body if body
+ @body
+ end
+ def scheduled(date = nil)
+ if date
+ @scheduled = date
+ @date = Date.new(date)
+ end
+ @scheduled
+ end
+ def status(status = nil)
+ @status = status if status
+ @status
+ end
+ def note(header, *tags, &block)
+ new_note = self.class.new(header, @file, *tags, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ class File
+ attr_accessor :name, :notes
+ def initialize(name, &block)
+ @name = name
+ @notes = []
+ instance_eval &block
+ end
+ def note(header, *tags, &block)
+ new_note = Note.new(header, self, *tags, &block)
+ end
+ def daily_agenda(date)
+ agenda = @notes.select { |note| note.date.in_interval? date }
+ Agenda.new(agenda)
+ end
+ def weekly_agenda(from)
+ to = from.dup
+ to.increase_days(7)
+ agenda = @notes.select { |note| note.date.in_interval?(from, to) }
+ Agenda.new(agenda)
+ end
+ end
+ class Agenda
+ attr_accessor :notes
+ def initialize(notes)
+ @notes = notes
+ end
+ def where(status: nil, tag: nil, text: nil)
+ notes = @notes.dup
+ filter_by_status(notes, status) unless status.nil?
+ filter_by_tag(notes, tag) unless tag.nil?
+ filter_by_text(notes, text) unless text.nil?
+ self.class.new(notes)
+ end
+ private
+ def filter_by_status(notes, status)
+ notes.reject! { |note| note.status != status }
+ end
+ def filter_by_tag(notes, tag)
+ notes.reject! { |note| not (note.tags.include? tag) }
+ end
+ def filter_by_text(notes, text)
+ notes.reject! { |note| not (note.header =~ text or note.body =~ text) }
+ end
+ end